1-604-543-8337 1-778-572-0400 info@alisimmigration.com

Work in Canada

Employer paperwork guidance:

  • Labour Market Opinions
  • Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

Finding a Canadian employer and being employed in Canada is the most reliable way to immigrate to Canada. For immigration purposes your position must be high skilled and/or highly demanded in Canada.

The main issue for foreign workers is to find a Canadian employer, who will agree to provide official job offer for foreign applicant. Canadian employers usually do not hire foreign applicants from abroad due to poor English skills and missing Canadian work experience.

Besides, Canadian employer must meet established by Ministry of Labour requirements, such as being officially registered, financially stable, and active for minimum one year, and more importantly, company must prove that it is not able to hire required workers in Canada and provide supporting documents. To apply for LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessmnet) and submit a request to invite foreign workers, it is required to pay $1,000 CAD fee for each foreign worker. In case of denial, fee will not be refunded. Therefore, Canadian employer must be highly interested and motivated to hire foreign worker from outside of Canada.

Our company has a great experience in LMIA process for different types of Canadian employers. If you found a potential employer in Canada, and the company requires assistance in LMIA process, we will be glad to help.